Delta Scuti stars (δ Sct) are intermediate mass stars that present pulsations and brightness variations lasting anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. To date, only a handful of these stars have been shown to host magnetic fields, and amongst them their characteristics vary greatly. While it isn't entirely clear how the magnetic fields interact with the pulsations, what is certain is that there appears to be an underrepresentation of magnetic candidates within this family of stars. While about 10% of typical intermediate mass stars present some kind of magnetic field, the percentage for δ Sct stars appears to be well below that, which begs the question of why that might be. 

We perform spectropolarimetric analysis on a sample of these stars, using data from the NeoNarval (TBL) and ESPaDOnS (CFHT) instruments, in an attempt to identify additional magnetic candidates, characterise their magnetic fields, model their field structure at the surface, and finally theorise as to their origin. Once a reasonably-sized sample is achieved, we will be better equipped to infer potential hypotheses as to the representation of magnetic fields within this family of stars.